An introspective question from @nick
Q3. What annoying thing do YOU do on rides? (yes YOU not others)
I ask this because I've caught myself coasting when im tired, peddle peddle coast peddle. It annoys me and i know its annoying if you're behind someone that does this.
(update to add some clarity:
@ascentale @nick @bikenite A3. I'm surprised you feel that way. Do you only go on roadie rides?
The rides I go on, when I go on them, are no-drop. People are sometimes going to be tired and sometimes people are going to coast.
I guess what I do on rides that's annoying is verbalize instead of just keeping it to myself when something annoys me. I need to learn to be quietly grumpy if I'm not justly grumpy in everyone's eyes. #BikeNite
@ascentale @meganL @nick @bikenite That is not what I'd consider "going on a ride". To me that's sport training, and nothing to do with everyday cycling.
@spacehobo @ascentale @nick @bikenite I do think it's good etiquette to call out slowing to a stop (there's a hand signal for it, although drivers and cyclists alike seem to forget it), but I think expecting everyone to be going the same speed all the time is unrealistic at the very least. #BikeNite
@meganL @spacehobo @nick @bikenite Yeah, I should clarify, that the example in the question does seem mostly related to riding for sport, and I can see it in the context of my own experience of riding for sport. It's definitely not an expectation for an everyday ride and I don't think the question was intended to be asked that way.
@ascentale @meganL @nick @bikenite It just seems like sport cycling is such a niche exception that it should be called out every time that is the framing. I suspect a lot of the people participating here have never lived anywhere people actually cycle, and it's damned confusing to read between the lines in their posts.
@spacehobo @ascentale @nick @bikenite Hey hey, let's keep the judgment out of it, please. ("bizarre") Let's keep #BikeNite friendly for all kinds of cyclists, even competitive road cyclists.
@meganL @ascentale @nick @bikenite Fair. Removed. I just felt like there was this hidden message of "you're annoying if you freewheel in public" that felt like I was trying to work out if I was being insulted or not.