Watching #ActivityPub requests roll into my new app in a steady stream and be met with an even steadier stream of errors, heh
TIL that a bunch of these services don't have paths for their actors' public keys and when they say `/path/to/user#keyId` they're saying "it's in the Actor object instead", and not that somehow magically squeezing the URL fragment into the request will yield a goddamn thing.
Yes, it was in the book. There's a lot in the book.
Oh wait, my code does take that into account.
There's a lot of code, stop laughing.
Looks like I can't fetch some users' keys using my server key. I have to use the key for the person's inbox they posted to? Rude. hmm, you should be able to, given it's an unauthenticated resource... But then again maybe some sites require a signed request.
@julian I didn't need to do signed GET requests in my testing environment and what I'm learning is that I can't just s/POST/GET/ and assume it will go through. There's different headers, for one thing.
Learning in a hurry.