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The Netherlands has a multi-party system just like reformers in the US want, reputable elections, biking infrastructure that people won't shut up about, a long tradition of social democracy, and just had a far-right election victory. The rise of fascism is not some trickery by Trump or the Russians or the US system: it's part of the world-wide failure of neoliberalism, which suppressed the left and then died.

Space Hobo

But that very system will now prevent those fascists from even forming a coalition, unlike the plurality-take-all systems like the US or UK.
I understand your later point, but systems that prevent sudden seizure of power are an important step forward.

Nov 23, 2023, 08:48 · · · 2 · 7

@spacehobo @RichPuchalsky its 100x better than the US. Here there's some hope and we might have more time.

@spacehobo @RichPuchalsky @Hex I'm not so sure there won't be a coalition.. our not quite completely far right parties probably will just go along with it in the end 🤷🏻‍♀️

@bumblebeedc @RichPuchalsky @Hex But how many seats will that actually acquire? All the electoral maths I've seen runs shy of majority.

@spacehobo @RichPuchalsky @Hex PVV, VVD, NSC will get the majority (81 seats), they can even add BBB for another 7 seats.. I think both VVD & NSC will grumble for a few weeks to make it seem like they won't want to work with Wilders and then their actual thirst for power will take over (again) and there you have your coalition 🤷🏻‍♀️

@spacehobo @bumblebeedc @RichPuchalsky @Hex they need at least one of the liberal parties in a coalition to get a majority, if i did my math correctly yesterday.

@aintasenatorson @spacehobo @RichPuchalsky @Hex Both VVD and NSC aren't all that liberal/centrist even though they might pretend they are 🤷🏻‍♀️

@aintasenatorson @spacehobo @RichPuchalsky @Hex no, I know, that's why I added centrist in my explanation 😅 I just meant that those 'liberal' parties might pretend they won't want to work with Wilders, but they think the same about a lot of things, so they probably will form a coalition in the end 🤷🏻‍♀️

@spacehobo I don't know the Dutch right-wing parties, but in Sweden the traditional right bloc hemmed and hawed for one election cycle while traditional left and right blocs jockeyed for minority power and in the next the traditional right bloc welcomed the fascists for a solid parliamental majority.

@Hex @RichPuchalsky

@spacehobo @RichPuchalsky @Hex »the plurality-take-all systems like Weimar«

What on earth are you talking about? The Weimar Republic Reichstag was elected by pure proportional representation